Lord Petyr Baelysh speaks about ser Lyn Corbray:

On the Trident, when their father fell wounded, it was Lyn who snatched up Lady Forlorn and slew the man who’d cut him down. Whilst Lyonel was carrying the old man back to the maesters in the rear, Lyn led his charge against the Dornishmen threatening Robert’s left, broke their lines to pieces, and slew Lewyn Martell

From: Alayne I, A Feast for Crows, George R.R. Martin

Lyn Corbray fights with the sword Lady Forlon on the Trident
Lyn Corbray fights with the sword Lady Forlon on the Trident

Lyn Corbray had slain almost as many men in duels as he had in battle

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Ser Lyn Corbray fights with Lady Forlorn at the Trident – A Feast for Crows, GRRM