In A Storm of Swords, Bran III by George RR Martin; Bran tells Meera and Jojen Reed the story he heard from Old Nan about Alysanne’s visit to the village of Queenscrown on her way to the Wall, such accounts were mostly confirmed by Maester Luwin.
“No. Old Nan told me. The holdfast has a golden crown, see?”
He pointed across the lake.
You could see patches of flaking gold paint up around the crenellations.
“Queen Alysanne slept there, so they painted the merlons gold in her honor.”
In the next chapter, Jon V, Jon Snow tells Igritte the same informations about the village, the tower, and Queen Alysanne visit to the North.
“No. Old Nan told me.
The holdfast has a golden crown, see?”
“A queen stayed there for a night.”Old Nan had told him the story, but Maester Luwin had confirmed most of it.
“Alysanne, the wife of King Jaehaerys the Conciliator.
He’s called the Old King because he reigned so long, but he was young when he first came to the Iron Throne.
In those days, it was his wont to travel all over the realm. When he came to Winterfell, he brought his queen, six dragons, and half his court.
The king had matters to discuss with his Warden of the North, and Alysanne grew bored, so she mounted her dragon Silverwing and flew north to see the Wall.This village was one of the places where she stopped.
Afterward the smallfolk painted the top of their holdfast to look like the golden crown she’d worn when she spent the night among them.”